The Potter County Education Council’s (PCEC) Early Learning Team is comprised of educators and other professionals who work with young children in the field of early childhood education and related fields. The members of the team are dedicated to their mission and vision to enhance the learning and development of Potter County’s young children in order to prepare them for success during their school years.
The Potter County Early Learning Team Mission:
To provide parents and families in Potter County information and resources to enhance the learning and development of their young children (birth-5 years).
The Potter County Early Learning Team Vision:
To ensure that all young children in Potter County have quality early learning opportunities that will prepare them to be successful during their school-age years.
Team Members:
Dr. Michele Moore, Executive Director
Potter County Education Council
Mr. Doug Morley, Board President
Potter County Education Council
Mrs. Amy Jacobs, Supervisor
IU #9 Preschool Intervention
Ms. Lisa Eliott, Service Coordinator
IU #9 Preschool Intervention
Ms. Heidi Aikens, Education Manager
NTCAC Head Start
Mrs. Michelle Reilly, Quality Coach
Early Learning Resource Center
Mr. Thomas Patterson, Director
Potter County Children & Youth Services
Mrs. Deborah Lincoln, Coordinator of Early Intervention Services
Potter County Children & Youth Services
Mrs. Christine Koss, Quality Coach
Early Learning Resource Center
Mrs. Wendy Bailey, Principal
Northern Potter Children's School
Dr. Rebecca Parks, Associate Professor
Early Childhood Education
Mansfield University
Ms. Jeanne Morley, Special Educator
Intermediate Unit #9
Mrs. Mary Lou Jensen, Kindergarten Teacher
Coudersport School District
Events & Programs
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library has come to our area!
- Galeton Area School District
- Northern Potter School District
- Coudersport Area School District
- Oswayo Valley School District
- Austin Area School District
- Port Allegany School District
- Otto-Eldred School District
- Smethport Area School District
To learn more about the history and mission of this program, please visit
Family Reading Night
The Early Learning Team has participated in several school districts’ family reading night events. These types of events provide an opportunity to share with families the services and programs the Potter County Education Council and the Early Learning Team have to offer area residents. Please contact the Potter County Education Council if you are interested in having the Early Learning Team participate in your district’s family reading night.