Coudersport Office: 814.274.4877

PCEC Programs & Services

Environmental Biology FA24

BIO 105 Environmental Biology                                          3 credit hours

This is an interdisciplinary course exploring the complex relationships between the major
groups of living organisms. It examines the physical and biological systems of Earth from the
perspective of ecology and considers populations and communities of organisms in terms
of their relationship with the environment and other organisms, rather than individuals. The
course facilitates critical questioning about global and regional environmental issues, current and future energy issues, sustainable development, and viability of green initiatives.

Apply today and see why Brighter Futures Begin at NPRC. For more information, contact the Student Services team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (814) 230-9010.

Event Properties

Event Date 08-14-2024 2:00 pm
Event End Date 12-10-2024 2:00 pm
Cut off date 08-09-2024
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price $555.00
Location PCEC Coudersport